Thursday, December 17, 2009

Evil Mommy

About 2 months ago, I discovered that Miss C loves my raspy voice. It makes her smile and giggle. So with picture season upon us, I am using this knowledge to my advantage.

My family was taken a back when they first heard me use the voice. It has now been dubbed my "Evil Mommy voice". And Miss C loves Evil Mommy. See example video here:

Works every time! (I think I scared Santa though.)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Ready

Looking around my house today, I'm so glad Miss C is content to stay put and not crawl around yet.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Double Dose

DOTY and I took Miss C to a flu clinic the other night so that she could get the H1N1 vaccination.

Our pediatrician highly recommended that Miss C get both flu shots since she is now 6 months old. Our ped's office is doing all flu shots through a clinic so you sign up online for an appointment and then show up to get your shot.

So we showed up. And here is how my convo with the receptionist went:

Receptionist: "How old is the patient?"

Me: "6 months"

Receptionist: "And are you here for both seasonal and H1N1?"

Me: "We just signed up for the H1N1. Can she get both at one time?"

Receptionist: "Yes. They don't interact with one another. Would you like to do that?"

Me: "Do it!"

Receptionist: (laughs) "Poor baby"

Me: (shrugging shoulders) "Better to have one bad night than 2 bad nights."

And bad night we did have.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12/9/09 Moms in the News

Michelle Duggar is in the hospital. Pray for her safety and the safety of her unborn child - baby number 19!

Need a heart warming story? Meet Serrena Huddleston. When Serrena's neighbor (a mother of nine) started doing drugs, Serrena didn't stepped in and started caring for the nine children. After several years of trying to help her friend, Serrena ended up adopting all of the children under 18 years old - six of the kids! And did I mention that Serrena already had 4 of her own children. Serena is called an Adoption Hero.

Meet Lisa Sacks. A few years ago she joined the registry for a bone marrow center. Basically, they take a swab of cheek tissue and keep your DNA on their books to match with people who are dying of illnesses. Lisa got a call a few months ago that she was a match for someone. This Thanksgiving, underwent a difficult procedure to donate her bone marrow to save a stranger's life. I know I would do this for a family member in a heartbeat, but Lisa did it for a stranger. I think that's really cool.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sick parenting

The Sunday after Thanksgiving DOTY year and I were sick - the fever with weak stomach kind of sick.

Miss C sat on the floor and cried while we stared at each other trying to figure out who would get up to change her diaper. That's when we decided to call in the reinforcements.

(We did change the diaper before Mom-in-Law got there - after all, that's a 2 hour drive)

12/8/09 Moms in the News

Stefanie Spielman a hero for breast cancer died almost 3 weeks ago on November 20th. Her husband used to play football for the Buffalo Bills. He decided to leave the game when his wife was diagnosed back in 1998. Stefanie was a mother of 4 and during her 10 year battle with cancer she raised a lot of money for a cure.

Meet Debra Gallo. On November 23rd she had her fourth child in the passenger seat of her family truck with the other 3 kids in the sitting in the backseat! She said it all happened in the parking lot of the Mobil gas station - hah! Baby and mom are doing fine. favorite! Don't mess with mama squirrel. This mama squirrel protected her baby from a big dog. These pics are awesome!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Congratulations SB!

SB, you resoundingly won last week's poll for your Fake Wreath story. Thank you to all who voted!

Send in your MOTYM for this week's poll to!

Friday, December 4, 2009

12/4/09 MOTY Poll

Super Sweet Gravy
In a bag by the door
Bloomers in "tact"
Fake Wreaths No More!
ugg boots

12/4/09 Moms in the News

Meet Dee Lindeman. Dee has spent the last 3 days camped out in front of her state capitol building (Michigan). She has 3 children in the school system and she is tired of funding cuts. Security guards make her leave at night so she only stays during the day.

You probably already know that breastfeeding is good for baby and mom, but a new study shows it also prevents diabetes and heart disease. Check it out!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fake Wreaths No More!

SB writes:

So, my little C man likes to crawl over to the glass door and look out, beat on the door, and slobber on the door. He especially likes it if Daddy is arriving home when he's at the door. But that is beside the point. The story does have to do the the area around the glass door, though! The other night, little C man crawls on over to the door while I was checking on his warming bottle in the kitchen. Daddy brings C man back into the kitchen not a minute later saying he had something in his mouth. Little C man's jaw is on lock down when you try to open it! Finally he got something out. It was a tiny little fake berry that must have fallen from our fake Christmas wreath on the door. But, that's not all. He was still chewing around. I saw 2 more as he quickly opened and shut his mouth. Daddy tried to open his mouth again, but little C man was on lock down. I was bringing his bottle to him in hopes that he might open his mouth, but instead he swallowed those 2 berries!! Panic! Immediately, baby reflex made him throw up and the 2 berries came with it. Little C man was then ready for his bottle. Whew! I think I'm going to be super paranoid about anything on my floor now!! His little fingers will find anything around to put in his mouth!

12/2/09 Moms in the News

Meet Wendi Dolton. Wendi gave birth to a 15.6 pound premature baby! What! Ok so the baby was 37 weeks, but still 15.6 pounds - just think if that kid had gone 40 weeks - whew!

Meet Peg Kennedy. Peg is a high school teacher in Connecticut and the Ronald McDonald House is calling her a local hero. Peg has taught for 28 years and she teaches everything from TV Production to Resume Writing. Her latest project is a Life Skills class where Juniors and Seniors pair up with a peer who is on a lower learning level to help them learn life skills.

Send me any good stories you know of! I love to hear about moms in the news! Send stories to

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bloomers in "tact"

The day after Thanksgiving, my side of the family did our Family Christmas pictures. This is an annual tradition. It's really neat to see how our family changes over the years. Every year there are more people as some get married and some have babies. This year 4 had babies so we had 4 new ones including my own Miss C.

Family Christmas pictures bring one thing to mind - outfits. Especially outfits for those bebes. And this year those bebes had 2 cute outfits to wear - a casual look and a formal look. The kiddos did great for the casual look - smiling adoringly inspite of all the animal sounds their parents were squealing at them. Once that was done we quickly broke off, each parent whisking up their child to change them into the formal look.

I have learned that time is of the essence in these situations. You don't know how long your little one will endure pictures, and lots of people, and lots of noise, and changing clothes. So I quickly grabbed Miss C's formal Christmas dress and ripped off the tags. I then proceeded to put the dress on her. When I got the second arm in, Miss C began to scream. This was an "This hurts!" scream. I inspected the dress to see what was wrong, and discovered the dress apparently came with matching bloomers which were still tacked on to the inside of the dress. The plastic tacking thingy was wrapped around Miss C's little arm and was pinching her!

I started to take the dress back off, but that was making things worse so my sister ran to get the scissors and she cut Miss C loose. But there was no recovery from this tragedy. Miss C was out of sorts the rest of the night. She cried and spit up through the rest of the pictures and through the dinner afterward.